I don't like to buy clothes for myself. I could buy all day for other people, but I do not like to purchase clothes for myself. In fact, I'm not super comfortable purchasing anything that is solely for my own use. I did manage to find a nice outfit to wear to a wedding I'll be attending this weekend. I also found a tie for Peppy to wear to the same wedding. When I showed it to him, he looked at me as if I were holding out a hangman's noose covered in the blood of other victims. Of course, to an eleven year old, that's probably preferable to wearing the tie. At least you could brag to your friends about sporting a blood soaked hangman's noose. There's not much street cred being handed out on the playground for the kid that wore the tie. Of course, I wonder how much street cred is handed out on the playground in the first place, but that's really neither here nor there.
I'm also struggling to find a use for the brightly colored boiled eggs that are habitating in my fridge. Our big doggie is allergic to chicken and also suffers from the occasional bout of gas that can clear a room...fifteen miles a way. Our small doggie sleeps in my bed, so no boiled eggs for him either. If anyone has a suggestion for the eggs, please feel free to comment.
Really, just comment...period. The silence is deafening.