Normally that deathly pale hand in the picture is busy on the weekends, along with it's equally dealthy pale partner. Those pasty hands cook meals, do laundry, pour sodas, start baths, and in general take care of the kid that belongs to the beautiful golden brown hand. However, this weekend those roles have been somewhat reversed and that sweet brown hand and it's partner have been the busy ones. Those brown hands have started their own shower, cooked their own meals, let out the dogs, let them back in, fed the cat, and fetched warmer pj's for a very sick mommy. The size of those hands indicate that they belong to a growing boy. What isn't obvious in that picture is that those hands are strong, caring, delicate when needed, animated, and independent of the pale one attached to it. I remember when that brown hand was so small it could only grip one of my fingers and today that hand nearly covers mine. I pray that hand will find the hand of that one true love that fits just right. I hope that one day that hand will grasp the tiny hand of baby and know the love a father has for it's child. I hope that hand works hard and is rewarded. I hope it give many pats on the back and friendly waves. I hope it gives a reassuring squeeze to someone in doubt and a lift up to someone in need. For today, I'm thankful that hand has been so helpful and that it belongs to my sweet boy.
When Being Country Wasn't Redneck
9 years ago
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